Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What color lipstick goes with a grass green dress?

when in doubt use a neutral color (flesh colored)What color lipstick goes with a grass green dress?
Go nude and shimmery. It'll look really sassy, tasteful, and cute.What color lipstick goes with a grass green dress?
honey, ivory and nude shades will go with green for a natural look

but for a more catwalk striking look then go for a hint of puple colour in the gloss

don't go for a reddy or pinky look as this will close up your lips and look completely conbtrasting to the green
go natural - light light pink maybe or clear - that works with anything! (netreals are in now to!!)
Nude, shimmery shade. A pale pink would work nicely too.
Mocha if your skin tone is medium or darker. If you are fair complected, try using a more natural gloss.
a light, shimmery nuetral pink, that wont take away from ur dress, but will make u seem fresh and pretty, and not christmas like.
A light pink would be pretty.
nude shimmery shades :)
light red, but red. that will look so hott.
try a light pink color
a neutral colour with a hint of gold or brown, not too extreme though. more of a lipgloss than lipstick really.
Light Pink
natural lip color maybe. nothing too bright.
spring looking light pink or neutral.
Light pink would be beautiful! It would really complement the green and still look natural.
Try brown or flesh tone shades.
idk, green? lol

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